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Construction Site Security Cameras: Common Questions Answered

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WCCTV has put together a helpful guide to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about construction site security cameras.

Construction Site Security Cameras - Frequently Asked Questions

Installing security cameras at construction job sites is the most effective way to protect your projects from the threat of theft, trespass, arson, and vandalism.

A security camera on site is a visible deterrent that prevents criminal activity before it occurs. They also capture video evidence that assists with any criminal investigations. 

Choosing the most appropriate cameras for a job site can be tricky. To assist, WCCTV's security experts answer some of the most frequently asked questions about construction site security cameras.

I have no internet connection at my job site; how can I access surveillance cameras?

Lack of internet connectivity at construction job sites is one of the most common issues.

Most sites won't have fixed internet lines, and the cost and inconvenience of installing them just to run security cameras are highly prohibitive.

WCCTV supplies its security cameras with embedded 4G LTE connectivity to overcome this challenge. This allows our clients to access their cameras instantly from anywhere, at any time. 

We provide our mobile viewing software to all clients free of charge and completely unlicensed. This includes smartphone and tablet apps and a range of solutions for laptops and PCs.  

What happens if the cell network drops? Will I lose my footage? 

It is rare for a cell network to drop out or fail, but it can occasionally happen.

If the network at your job site fails, you can be assured that you won't lose any footage captured by your WCCTV security camera or miss any incidents during the outage.

Every surveillance product we supply contains integrated edge storage capacity - up to 4TB - so if the network drops, your cameras will keep recording until you can reconnect and review/download the footage. 

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I have no power at my job site; how can I install security cameras?

Lack of onsite power is another frequent challenge WCCTV has been able to assist its clients with by deploying the Solar Surveillance Trailer, a rapid deployment mobile surveillance unit for sites without power and mounting infrastructure for cameras.

I have nowhere to mount a camera; how can I secure my site?

Construction sites are constantly developing, and it's possible that you won't have anywhere to mount a camera when you're right at the start of the project. 

WCCTV's security cameras typically mount to a utility pole or building using a standard bracket attachment. Still, if you have nothing like this on site, then WCCTV's solar surveillance trailer is the ideal solution. 

Our Solar Trailer is a self-contained, all-in-one surveillance solution that can be installed and operational on your sites in minutes. 

The video below outlines how these systems work:

How can I ensure the whole site is protected?

WCCTV's security cameras feature pan, tilt, and zoom (PTZ) capability, allowing you to focus the cameras in any particularly vulnerable site areas.

They also have a 'tour' function, where the camera will automatically pan between pre-set views of your site. 

One of the key benefits of utilizing WCCTV's security cameras is that they are designed for rapid deployment and portability. Our mobile Video Surveillance products are designed to plug and play, so you can quickly move them around your job sites as they develop without any complicated installation process. 

Will the cameras work at night?

Most construction sites will lack a fixed or ambient lighting facility for night times.

To overcome this challenge, WCCTV's cameras all contain 'infrared capability. Infrared allows for video recording and intruder detection in normal, low, and zero light.

WCCTV's security cameras have built-in "Smart IR" that automatically adjusts the illumination intensity that the camera's infrared LEDs provide based on the proximity of objects (such as people) approaching the camera. 

Take a look at how our cameras perform in different lightening conditions, including total darkness:

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I don't have time to manage security cameras. How can I protect my site? 

This is a challenge we hear of a lot. You have your job; managing security on site on top of that can seem like more work than you can handle. 

At WCCTV, we have specifically developed our Managed Services to make using our surveillance cameras as easy as possible by providing a step-by-step process that reduces client workload and a service that ensures the cameras deliver the right results every time. 

Our state-of-the-art security technology is backed by a service that includes equipment installation, alarm monitoring, maintenance, and ongoing technical support. Click the link below to determine how we help take the stress out of securing your job sites.

We're only onsite for a few months; can we rent the cameras rather than buy them?

We get that construction projects only need temporary security solutions and that you will have different security requirements for each job site you work on. 

While we believe all job sites need security cameras, we want the process of utilizing WCCTV's security cameras to be as straightforward and flexible as possible. That's why you can rent them month-by-month and return them at the end of the project. 

Renting security cameras from WCCTV offers many benefits. Deploy only the cameras you need, manage your security spending, and be assured that you're always using the latest technology. 

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We would love to hear from you if you have any other questions about a site or project you're working on. Get in touch today at 877 805-9475 or to speak to one of our mobile video surveillance experts!

Managed Security Cameras for Construction Job Sites

WCCTV is the USA's leading supplier of mobile surveillance cameras for construction job sites.

We provide market-leading security cameras backed by a fully managed service that includes equipment installation, video monitoring, maintenance, and ongoing technical support.

Our rapid-deployment cameras provide construction sites with multi-application benefits, including security, time lapse video filming, and remote project management.

Our customizable solutions can accommodate any site and efficiently function whether you have power or are dependent on solar energy. All of our units contain 4G LTE transmission technology – allowing these solutions to operate autonomously.

No matter the site, we have a solution that we can create for you.

Ready to find out how WCCTV's Mobile Surveillance Cameras can assist with site security? Get in touch today at 877 805-9475 or email



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A more flexible and convenient solution to your security and surveillance challenges is just a step away. Get in touch with our security experts and let us know how we can help. 

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