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How to Prevent Copper Theft

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In 2025, it is expected that copper demand will surpass global production, and with copper theft on the rise this could leave your business at risk. Find out how you can avoid becoming the next victim of this and prevention tips to support you.

By the end of 2024 copper prices rose by 7.66% from 2023 and this is only expected to continue in coming years. 

This cost poses a threat to businesses, however, it also increases risks against their security as opportunistic thieves take advantage of this price surge and attempt to profit off this themselves.

Throughout our 20 years of experience in security solutions we have seen the cost of copper theft on a business and understand the importance of protecting yourself from this. 

The Cost of Copper Theft

Although in 2024, there was some volatility in the copper market, by the end of the year prices reached an all-time high, and with this expected to continue rising due to supply shortage, this places many industries at large risk of theft. 

Industries including construction jobsites, critical infrastructure, and industrial property will likely all store high-value copper in some capacity. This could be through cabling, HVAC units, or equipment. 

Copper is heavily used across various industries and thieves are aware of this. It is often considered a low risk, high reward type of crime for criminals as they will simply cut or remove the items from their location.

However, as much as this process is often simple for thieves to carry out, the repairing and replacement process following this is not so simple for you as a business. 

In early 2024 it was reported that two cases of copper theft alone in the US led to a combined loss of nearly half a million dollars

This is not only financially devastating for businesses, but it can also create severe harm to the public in instances where cabling has been removed and stop the functionality of vital services or cause disruption.

For construction jobsites, one of the biggest targets for copper theft due to having metal often left unguarded in remote locations, it can cause delays that can impact the construction companies financially and the overall delivery of the project. 

In previous times, it may have been that criminals took less risks if resale value was low, however, with this sore in value criminals are likely to become more aggressive with their tactics, going to greater lengths to steal copper. 

Engaging in criminal activity such as stripping rooftops, ripping full HVAC units from properties and cutting cabling from highways are just some of the aggressive methods criminals now partake in and you do not want to become a victim to this.

Due to the growth in such crimes and shortage in supply, replacing stolen copper and cabling may become more difficult and you may face delays leading to worsened impact. Therefore, prevention is the best method of protection.

Copper Theft Part 1

WCCTV’s 4 Top Tips in Preventing Copper Theft

At WCCTV, we continually see that the most effective way to prevent metal theft within remote and temporary locations (such as construction jobsites, railroads, vacant properties and critical infrastructure) is through managed Surveillance cameras.

However, we always recommend a blended approach to security, and there are many other steps you can take in addition to utilising Surveillance systems. They include:

Install Security Lighting

Most criminals prefer to operate under cover of darkness so security lights can be an effective deterrent. A well-lit construction site, property, or parking lot is less likely to be targeted by opportunist copper thieves. 

Learn more: Construction jobsites are one of the most common targets for copper theft. Download the Comprehensive Guide to Construction Site Security to learn how to protect construction jobsites from copper thieves or criminals.

Implement Mobile Surveillance Cameras

Mobile video surveillance cameras provide a visible deterrent to potential thieves and capture video evidence to assist with any law enforcement investigations. 

Surveillance cameras backed by remote video monitoring act as a virtual security guard - tracking criminals, gathering evidence, and allowing remote deployment of law enforcement or private security to respond as the situation unfolds.

Our security cameras can be deployed to your sites regardless of your current power situation. They are customizable and can adapt to any situation, whether you have mounting poles with electricity or need a more mobile solar solution. Our products operate with the latest LTE transmission, making them entirely autonomous.

The camera's built-in video analytics capability helps to automatically detect unwanted intruders, which triggers our monitoring partners' customizable escalation process.

This helps to prevent, catch, or record criminal activity. See for yourself just how effective our systems are:

Install Perimeter Fences

Setting up solid fencing around your sites, especially covered fences, will prevent people from seeing into your sites. It will also act as a barrier, helping keep opportunist thieves from accessing your sites with ease.

Anything you can do to make your site more difficult to access will let thieves know that you are not an easy target, in aims of preventing crime from taking place.

However, perimeter fencing as a sole approach tends to exclude important security measures such as remote video monitoring and recording capabilities. Therefore, we recommend you utilize this as part of a blended approach only or consider an option such as our Surveillance Trailers that have all those measures as well as the crime deterring fencing that fencing provides.

Place Warning Signs Around the Site

Warning signs around your site can have a significant impact on reducing copper theft. Letting potential thieves know you have security measures (surveillance cameras, guards, barbed fencing, etc.) shows you have hardened your site against theft.

You should also utilize warning signs to alert thieves to hazards associated with copper theft, such as electrocution from stripping out copper wiring. If a criminal realizes their life could be in jeopardy if they try to remove copper from your site, they are likely to think twice.

Thieves appreciate easy opportunities and signage can be used to notify them that your site or business will not provide this to them.

Copper Theft Part 2

Copper Theft FAQs

What is copper theft?

Copper theft is a type of metal theft in which items are stolen for the value of their constituent metals.

Metal theft tends to increase when the global value of scrap metal increases, as has happened dramatically in recent years.

Other than precious metals such as gold and silver, copper, aluminum, brass, and bronze are the most commonly stolen metals. However, even cast iron and steel have higher theft rates due to increased scrap metal prices.

Why is copper theft a problem?

Aside from the owner's cost and inconvenience, the FBI highlights the serious threat copper theft presents to US critical infrastructure. Copper stolen from electrical substations, cellular towers, telephone landlines, railroads, water wells, and construction sites significantly impacts US citizens' daily lives.

Why is copper theft so common?

The recent dramatic increase in copper theft is due to severe metal shortages, which has led to its increased cost and resale value. Both opportunist thieves and organized crime gangs see the opportunities associated with stealing copper. 

The issue is so widespread that 33 states across the US have enacted legislation related to copper theft. Pertinent legislation that helps restrict the sale of stolen copper in these states includes:

  • Transaction record-keeping

  • Strict identification requirements

  • Specific payment methods

  • Proving ownership before sale

Managed Security Cameras for Copper Theft Prevention

We provide market-leading security cameras backed by a fully managed service, including equipment installation, video monitoring, maintenance, and ongoing technical support.

Our rapid-deployment cameras provide sites with multi-application benefits, including security, time lapse video filming, and remote project management.

Our customizable solutions can accommodate any site and efficiently function whether you have power or are dependent on solar energy. Our units contain the latest LTE transmission technology – allowing these solutions to operate autonomously.

No matter the site, we have a solution that we can create for you.

Ready to find out how Mobile Surveillance Cameras can assist with your construction site security? Get in touch today at 877 805 9475 or request a call back



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