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Surveillance Trailer and WCCTV Vehicle



Welcome to the WCCTV USA blog. Here you'll find insightful updates from our security experts and the latest news from WCCTV and our clients. 

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Join WCCTV at the 2025 Texas Emergency Management Conference

WCCTV will host a booth at the 2025 Texas Emergency Management Conference in Fort Worth. Visit us to see how our mobile surveillance trailers support disaster response, recovery operations, and site security - no power, no problem. Rapid deployment. Real-time visibility. Built for emergencies.

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What Public Works Officials Need to Know About Preventing Vandalism

Vandalism is one of the biggest challenges faced by public works officials, but how are you managing this risk in your public spaces and parks? Discover our top tips here.

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Visit WCCTV at TPCA 2025 Conference

WCCTV, the USA's leading supplier of mobile surveillance cameras to law enforcement, will host a booth at the annual Texas Police Chiefs Association Conference.

Blog Thumbnail Tall Officers at the USA Border

Law EnforcementGovernment

The Future of Border Control in Texas Post-Funding Announcement

Following recent funding announcements for border control in Texas, changes will soon be coming, but what does that truly mean? We explore what to expect in the future and share our predictions.

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Surveillance Trailers

Ten Key Benefits of Mobile Surveillance Units

Demand continues to grow for portable and easy-to-install surveillance cameras due to their many advantages over fixed security systems. We explore the top 10 benefits of them for your business below.

Blog Thumbnail Tall Trailer on the street corner helping law enforcement at an Oktoberfest Event

Law Enforcement

How Infrared Cameras Benefit Law Enforcement

What may not be visible to the naked eye is visible to infrared cameras, and with this comes many benefits for Law Enforcement. But, what are the exact benefits they can bring?

Blog Thumbnail Tall Solar Trailer outside Cadillac's new dealership being constructed

General NewsSurveillance Trailers

What to Look For in a Security Provider

Often neglected, security could make or break your business. We explore the key features you should be looking for in a security provider to ensure maximum protection.

Blog Thumbnail Tall timber materials on back of a lorry


The Future of Construction Material Supply

As the headaches of construction material supply shortage continues 4-years post-pandemic, what should the construction industry expect in the years to come?

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How to Prevent Copper Theft

In 2025, it is expected that copper demand will surpass global production, and with copper theft on the rise this could leave your business at risk. Find out how you can avoid becoming the next victim of this and prevention tips to support you.

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Critical InfrastructureGovernment

How Mobile Surveillance Units Are Transforming Utility Security

The security challenges facing utility sites are constantly evolving, from theft, trespassing, and vandalism to cybersecurity threats. Below, we outline how mobile surveillance units can adapt to these challenges and increase physical security at critical infrastructure sites.