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The Benefits of Mobile Surveillance vs. Perimeter Fencing

Mobile Surveillance Solutions



In an ever growing market, it is time to debunk the benefits of two of the most popular security solutions in recent years: Mobile Surveillance and perimeter fencing.

The security industry has grown heavily over recent years and so have the product offerings as technology continues to develop. 

As much as this amount of choice allows you the opportunity to explore your options and select the one most suitable to you, the choice can also leave a lot of confusion.

Understanding the Differences Between Mobile Surveillance and Perimeter Fencing

Mobile Surveillance Cameras are portable security systems that help to prevent crime and monitor the area. Additional features such as wireless connectivity, power autonomy, and PTZ technology will also be available with some security systems, all of which WCCTV offers. 

Perimeter fencing has grown in popularity over recent years and provides a physical barrier that surrounds the perimeter of the location. The main form of defense this offers is displaying a clear boundary that should prevent any unauthorized access. 

Based on overall security benefits, Mobile Surveillance systems such as our Surveillance Trailers tend to be the better option over perimeter fencing due to their evidence gathering, AI video analytics, and proactive response to threats. 

However, we understand the need for businesses to research and explore their options. Security requirements are unique to each individual case and therefore, the same security solution may not be right for all.

Below we explore the benefits of Mobile Surveillance in comparison to perimeter fencing, breaking down the key elements of security and what each option has to offer. 

Security Monitoring Capabilities

A main element of the prevention process is completed through security monitoring, keeping an eye out on any threats and false alarms.

Perimeter Fencing

Perimeter fencing alone cannot provide security monitoring capabilities, however, in conjunction with surveillance cameras or sensors may be able to provide security monitoring in some form.

Sensors will be used to detect any movement within a particular radius of the fencing and if set to do so, a trigger will alert those relevant to it. This will be similar for surveillance cameras, however, there will often be additional features provided with them. 

However, due to these being add-on features, security monitoring is not the central method of security and there may still be elements missing such as identifying false alarms and proactively responding to threats.

Overall, to gain security monitoring, this will likely cost extra for perimeter fencing. As a standalone security feature, fencing provides a physical barrier which cannot monitor security by itself.

Mobile Surveillance

Mobile Surveillance often provides two forms of security defense, the first being crime deterrence and second being security monitoring. This dual approach tends to help boost the security provided as it ensures customers have a fully-managed service from start to finish.

At WCCTV, we understand that one form of defense is not enough protection and instead aim to support users with every stage they could be presented with, including following an incident.

Our Mobile Surveillance systems provide 24/7 security monitoring, wireless connectivity, and evidence gathering that keeps you covered without placing any burden on you. 

Compared to perimeter fencing, mobile surveillance utilizes high-quality technology and remote monitoring to identify both false alarms and threats to ensure the correct response can be provided. 

Watch the video below to see how WCCTV’s surveillance cameras identify and monitor real-time threats whilst gathering evidence:

Accessibility to the Secured Property or Site

To secure a building or location, it is important to minimise unauthorized access to the fullest extent. This ensures that any potential crime or intrusion can be avoided or reduced as best as possible.

Perimeter Fencing

The main line of defense for perimeter fencing is to create a physical barrier that prevents unauthorized access. 

By placing a barrier around the full perimeter of the location or site, it is designed to cut out any entry and exit points criminals could take advantage of. Certain fencing materials such as metal also help to prevent access as the durable material can be hard to penetrate.

However, as much as perimeter fencing works to prevent access, individuals can still find ways to access the secured location whether that be climbing over it, damaging it to create an entry point or breaking through the gate of the fencing. 

Mobile Surveillance

Although the physical prevention may seem minimal with Mobile Surveillance Cameras, the advanced technology often included within them provides more physical support than you think, particularly with WCCTV’s products.

There are many benefits to our Mobile Surveillance Cameras, but one of the main supports with accessibility is through the remote monitoring service we provide. 

By utilising remote monitoring, the camera will identify any movement within the perimeter set and this will be assessed by a monitoring center to establish if it is a false alarm or true threat. If a threat is confirmed, those relevant will be informed such as keyholders, Law Enforcement, or security.

This ensures a proactive response to prevent active crime and unauthorized access.

Additionally the AI Video analytics and IR PTZ cameras provide 360-degree view day to night, providing high-quality video that you can review yourself, wherever you are. 

Mobile Surveillance is powerful in its response to unauthorized access and provides a better follow-up than perimeter fencing can provide if it does take place.

Speak with us about Mobile Surveillance Solutions today

Crime Deterrence Factor

Crime deterrence is another preventative method that security solutions may use to threaten punishment to discourage individuals from committing any crimes.

Perimeter Fencing

Perimeter fencing relies heavily on its crime deterrence factor with the physical barrier it presents to criminals. Often built with metal or other durable material, they are presented as being difficult to penetrate.

The simple presence of full perimeter fencing should make it less likely for criminals to want to access the secured site or location.

However, there is no guarantee even where durable material is used, that criminals will be prevented from accessing the secured site or location. Some fencing can be easily climbed over, broken into, and separated, reducing the crime deterrence factor dramatically.

Our WCCTV cameras even captured intruders jumping over fencing onto a secured site, showing the additional security needed for perimeter fencing to work effectively:

Mobile Surveillance

As shown, perimeter fencing runs the risk of access from intruders and as much as the crime deterrence is still there, individuals are establishing the little security they can truly pose. This means additional support is often required to provide a fully-managed security service.

Utilizing security systems such as our Surveillance Trailers removes the need for multiple security systems, providing both crime deterrence and proactive security response in one. 

Standing up to 20 ft tall, our Trailers make a bold statement to criminals that the location is monitored and that they cannot be hidden. The use of cameras tends to deter criminals as there is the fear that their identity can be discovered making them easier to track down following an incident. 

All crime deterrence can be ignored at times but our products will react to this by contacting the relevant authorities and then gather and store the live footage from the incident captured. It goes the extra mile compared to perimeter fencing whilst remaining as a cost-effective security solution.

Site Condition Monitoring

Site condition monitoring tends to relate to construction as normally there are limits set on the production of certain elements such as noise and particle monitoring. You will often find this feature is provided as a standalone or as an add-on onto your surveillance system.

Perimeter Fencing

Unfortunately, perimeter fencing on its own will be unable to provide site condition monitoring, therefore leaving many to source this from another supplier. 

This can become expensive as you are paying for them separately and can also make following up on any issues or managing them more difficult as you have to contact different companies for each.

As sign condition monitoring can be a requirement in some instances, it is key to ensure the service you have is the required standard to avoid any consequences of this. Especially with jobsites where it could have greater impact.

Mobile Surveillance

Mobile Surveillance often provides more flexibility with add-ons and features, meaning for some companies they can offer site condition monitoring as an extra onto the system. 

Although this is likely to still be an add-on, it ensures you can keep all monitoring within one supplier which is both cost-effective and easier to manage.

With WCCTV, we offer site condition monitoring software that can be fitted to our products such as the Solar Surveillance Trailer to provide the following measurements: 

  • Weather conditions
  • Decibel levels
  • Particle monitoring
  • CO2 emissions
  • Local Air Quality Management (LAQM)

By leveraging the benefits of WCCTV, you will be provided with a fully-managed security system that works to support your business needs.

Evidence Gathering

Where criminal activity has taken place, it is best for any individual or business to have evidence to support Law Enforcement and gain back any financial loss.

Learn more about WCCTV's other Software Products here

Perimeter Fencing

As mentioned before, perimeter fencing alone cannot provide security monitoring which means that any evidence gathering will also be unavailable if there is no system there to record in real-time. 

You will require Surveillance Cameras to be added to the fencing that have evidence gathering software to have this type of service. This will be an additional cost and you may end up having to source the service from elsewhere making management more difficult.

Mobile Surveillance

Why not remove the need for multiple security systems? Mobile Surveillance offers criminal deterrence and physical presence like perimeter fencing, except with WCCTV’s Solar Surveillance Trailers and Cameras you will receive the evidence gathering software with no need to source it from elsewhere. 

Evidence gathering is vital to supporting criminal proceedings and clawing back any financial loss faced from any incidents and we understand this. Our AI video analytics and high-quality camera technology ensures crystal clear imagery to give you the best chance of providing the financial responsibilities to your insurer or those responsible. 

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Responding to Security Threats

Where the first line of prevention may have been unsuccessful, it is important that the response to any security threat following this is managed correctly.

Perimeter Fencing

If your perimeter fencing has sensors, an alarm will often trigger where movement has been indicated, however it cannot be confirmed if the movement is a real threat or false alarm. Therefore, standalone perimeter fencing and those fitted with sensors are not always the best options if you wish for proactive and accurate responses to threats. 

Perimeter fencing alone has no method of tracking which means if an intruder were to gain access to the secured location or site then they could go unspotted. 

This is particularly dangerous with jobsites and the risks of thefts as thieves may be able to get away with expensive equipment and material that would both cost you money and delay the project.

You may be able to implement Mobile Surveillance in addition to perimeter fencing, however, this can be costly. 

Mobile Surveillance

As much as some perimeter fencing offers Mobile Surveillance as an add-on, it may not be the quality you require and could be too expensive to manage both.

Utilizing a Mobile Surveillance system removes the need for endless add-ons and multiple suppliers, instead offering security monitoring that can proactively respond to threats. Part of this is to identify false alarms and avoid alarms being triggered unnecessarily. 

WCCTV provides an all-rounded system that can identify threats, day and night through the camera’s 360-degree view and zoom in technology whilst also utilizing the monitoring center to ensure the movement found is that of a true threat and not a false alarm like a small animal.

Movement can be created very easily and to maintain effective security you need to streamline the process of identifying threats.

Finding the Best Suited Security Solution For You

In any instance, there may be the requirement for multiple surveillance systems whether it be perimeter fencing, security guards, and cameras combined together or just a mix of two. However, for an all-rounded, cost-effective approach to security, Mobile Surveillance is the answer. 

Still questioning the best solution for you? Speak with one of our Surveillance experts to discuss your needs further and how WCCTV can support you today.

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