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Tips For Keeping Your Job Site Safe This Christmas

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To avoid unwanted surprises this holiday season on your job sites, we have created a handy infographic outlining the top five best practices for better security this Christmas.

Advice for Keeping Your Jobsite Safe at Christmas

Crime, such as theft, vandalism, and trespassing on job sites, often increases over the holiday season. Criminals don't tend to wait for gifts; they seize every opportunity to help themselves.

At WCCTV, we want everyone to enjoy a safe and secure holiday season, with no unwanted surprises after the festive break.

With this in mind, we have outlined our top tips for a safer Christmas below and a handy infographic download.

Lock Valuables Away

Whether it's tools, plant, machinery, fuel, or materials - thieves will find something of value on your sites when they're unattended.

Always lock valuable items away at the end of each shift, especially keeping things secured over close-down days. Keeping valuables out of sight will help prevent your site from becoming a target. 

Utilize Remote Monitoring

Criminals who target jobsites are often well-organized and professional, so installing a professional security system is the best way to stop crime.

WCCTV's mobile surveillance trailers provide 24/7 coverage of jobsites. If an unauthorized person is detected, our remote monitoring center immediately takes action to prevent crime.

Surveillance Trailer on Jobsite

Use High-Quality Surveillance Cameras

Choosing the right cameras for job site security can be confusing, but WCCTV's guide to choosing the best construction site cameras is a great place to start your research.

WCCTV's mobile surveillance cameras feature unique capabilities, such as infrared technology, to enable clear views of your job site even in zero light conditions.

We can provide our surveillance cameras whether or not you have onsite power and/or internet hook-ups. They are autonomous solutions. 

Beware of Festering Hazards

Piles of trash can fester and heat up, resulting in fire risks.

These festering hazards are easy to clean up with a little pre-Christmas diligence, but if you're unable to clear trash, the next best solution is to monitor them with WCCTV's thermal imaging cameras, which will detect rising temperatures.

Download the Infographic WCCTV-USA-5-Tips-To-Keep-Your-Construction-Site-Safe-This-Christmas (1)

Download a copy for your team

Managed Surveillance Cameras for Construction Job Sites

WCCTV is the USA's leading expert in managed surveillance cameras for construction job site security.

We firmly believe that video surveillance cameras are the most effective way of boosting security at your job sites, especially when paired with our remote video monitoring services.

You can utilize our rapid-deployment cameras for multiple applications, including security, time lapse video capture, and remote project management.

Our cameras can function whether you have power or are dependent on solar energy. Our units contain 4G LTE transmission technology, allowing them to operate entirely autonomously.

Ready to find out how WCCTV's Mobile Surveillance Cameras can assist with site security? Fill out a quick contact form, speak to our team at 877 805-9475 or email



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Get in touch for more information

A more flexible and convenient solution to your security and surveillance challenges is just a step away. Get in touch with our security experts and let us know how we can help. 

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